Aspergillosis (Green fungus) is caused by a common mold, which is a type of fungus that lives indoors and outdoors. Infection can take place through simply breathing of microscopic spores of the aspergillus fungus.
Normally the body’s immune system suppresses the growth of any spores within the body, but in certain cases, the body fails to suppress the growth of the spores especially those with weaker immune systems. Those who have recovered/suffering from lung diseases are at a higher risk of developing aspergillosis.
Some of the symptoms include fever, weight loss, headache, shortness of breath, fatigue, blood in urine.
The first case of the infection has been detected in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore. A 34year-old COVID-19 survivor was diagnosed with green fungus. He was shifted to Mumbai by air ambulance for treatment. The man, who had recovered from coronavirus, underwent a test on suspicion that he had contracted black fungus infection (mucormycosis).He was instead found to have green fungus infection in his lungs, sinuses and blood.
Dr Ravi Dosi, head of the Department of Chest Diseases, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences (SAIMS) told PTI. “The patient recovered, but then he started having nose bleeds and a high fever. He had also become very weak due to weight loss.
The fungal infections in Covid-19 patients are caused due to several reasons including lung damage, overuse of steroids, weakened immune system, and lack of infection control in overworked hospitals.
- Maintain good hygiene, oral and physical cleanliness.
- Don’t venture into areas with a lot of dust, stored contaminated water and wear an N95 mask in case you are unable to avoid such areas.
- Keep away from activities that require close contact with soil or dust.
- Wear gloves & mask / Wash face, hands with soap and water, if they have been exposed to soil , dust, moss/manure.