Actor Sonu Sood was honored by a Hyderabad restaurant recently. “India’s biggest plate” was named after the actor, the plate can cater to 20 people at a time. The plate was made by Gismat Arabic Mandi (Jail Theme) restaurant and has been named after the actor.
The actor shared the news on his social media handle along with the pictures from the event.
He wrote, “India’s Biggest Plate” is now named after me. Being a vegetarian guy who eats little food can’t have a plate on his name that caters to 20 people at a time Humbled.”
The launch event was held at the Kondapur branch, Hyderabad. At the launch, fans were present at the restaurant to just catch a glimpse of the actor.
A user commented, “I really appreciate your efforts and you truly deserve this but we would have been happier to see a vegetarian biggest plate instead of watching so many dead animals in your plate sir. I am one of those who got benefitted from Sonu Sood foundation’s joint efforts with SpiceJet when you bring us to India from the Philippines during Covid.”