Indian-American computer scientist Swati Varshney could well become the first woman to jump from the Earth’s stratosphere. Varshney is one of the three explorers on the Hera Rising project. The project aims to send a woman high into the stratosphere for the first time.
By 2025, the Hera Rising initiative has set forth its objective to propel a female adventurer to elevated altitudes within Earth’s atmosphere. From a balloon gondola positioned in the stratosphere, this daring individual will execute a leap that not only aims to surpass existing records but also to etch her name in the annals of history.
This venture is orchestrated by the non-profit organization, Rising United. It comprises a trio of skydiving experts: Eliana Rodriguez, who boasts ancestral roots in Colombia; Diana Valerín Jiménez, tracing her lineage to Costa Rica; and Swati Varshney, with ancestral connections to India.
One among these three women will undertake the awe-inspiring plunge, while the other two will remain firmly grounded, providing vital support to the mission.
Varshney has 1,200 career jumps and a PhD in computer science from MIT. The final jump will take place in 2025 from an undisclosed location.