The Tamil Nadu state government launched the Tamil Pudhalvan Scheme 2024. To provide financial help to students studying in government schools in Tamil Nadu.
The chief minister of Tamil Nadu State launched the scheme on August 9, 2024.
The ceremony will took place at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, where the Chief Minister, Mr MK Stalin, launched the scheme.
According to Tamil Nadu’s chief minister, the initiative introduced on August 9, 2024 , male students can pursue higher education without worrying about financial problems.
Male students enrolled in school can pursue further education without fear of financial difficulties due to the scheme’s financial support.
Only students who are currently studying in classes 6–8 are eligible to benefit from the Tamil Pudhalvan Scheme 2024.
The primary goal of creating the Tamil Pudhalvan Scheme is for the Tamil Nadu state government to provide INR 1000 in monthly financial support to all approved candidates.
The government plans to recruit 3 lakh male students from government schools for the Pudhalvan Scheme.
The Tamil Nadu State government has allocated INR 360 crores to implement the Tamil Pudhalvan Scheme.
Eligibility criteria for scheme:
1) Applicants must be permanent residents of the Tamil Nadu state.
2) Applicants must be male students.
3) The applicant must be enrolled in classes from 6th to 12th.